Saturday, April 18, 2009

Connecting with Music

Recently someone showed a few clips of a Christian documentary about music. When I first heard about I had no interest because I thought it would just be telling me how's all music that isn't Christian Music is Satan's music. After a few short minutes of putting up a pitiful fight (I wasn't really trying), decided to take a gander. As I watched the clips I was (internally) shocked that I was actually very interested.
The video talked about how we connect with music and how there is so many spiritual connections within music. It was speaking about secular music, particularly rock music, but it makes me wonder about Christian music. The film suggested that there is something deep within each of us that is able to connect with music. Judging by history, great music writers of the past and present as well as almost every teenager today, I have to agree. This got me thinking...
I am sure that the producers of the film wanted me to think about all reasons why I shouldn't listen to secular music, specifically rock, a.k.a. 'Satan's music', but I went the opposite direction. I have been contemplating Christian music, more specifically worship music.
A few years ago (about 10), a song came out about the hart of worship. The song was good, but the story behind the writing of the song was inspirational. It was about a church that decided not play music for worship and just seek God (did I mention they had no music?). During that time the song was written. I remember a lot of people would teach about how worship is not about music but its about God. Don't get me wrong, I agree that worship is about God and God alone, but (there's always a 'but') I am beginning to realize how important the music is.
Over the last few months I have been noticing how when I have worship music playing I am more apt to enter into God's presence. Or how when a song of praise comes on my spirits are immediately lifted. So, I have come to the conclusion that is the experience of music one of God's many ways of interacting with us and the music is worship, thus we have no need to get rid of it.

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