Saturday, June 13, 2009

"It's Gonna Be Worth It" - or is it already?

There are days when I just want to crawl into a hole and sleep forever, days when I just want to go home and see my family and take a good ride in the pick-up with Dave at the farm, days that I just want to throw in the towel and be done because it is too hard, too tiring, too much, too little, the list goes on and on. And then, there are days like today, when I can truly say that it so worth it.

At times in ministry it is easy to get discouraged because of people; people fail you. Other times it seems like no matter how much effort I put into to something (or someone) that nothing gets better, in fact it may get worse. These are the days that I have to cling on to Jesus and remember that He doesn't fail me and that as long as I am doing everything I can for Him that it'll be worth it.

Today was a "worth it" day. God reminded me that what I am doing is worth it. One girl that I had been praying for and pouring into for months called and began to tell about all the great things that God was doing in her life. The things that we had talked about before in conversations that i walked away from discouraged, because I didn't think she was getting. Then, today she excitedly told me how God was healing her, just like we had talked about. Later in the evening, a woman that I have been working with about once a week said one thing to me that made me realize the impact that I was making. She said, "You have such a good heart." I don't say this to brag, but to give glory to God. When we are faithful to serve Him, He will prove Himself in our lives.

So, if you are in a discouraging spot or if feel like everything is going great. Remember that as long as you are doing the work of the Lord that it will be worth it.

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