Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What I've Gleaned

Going through the different things this last month that I have mentioned in the previous blog has for sure taught me somethings, mostly these things are about conflict and conflict resolution (sad to say The Office's "Conflict Resolution" did not really help me learn anything except for go for the win-win-win). There are 2 big ideas that I have learned:
1) Before approaching a resolution for a conflict it is important to figure out the how major the conflict is. This is done by asking 3 questions: 1-Is it going to matter in a year? 2-Is it over about a non-negotiable? 3-Is the person that you are in conflict with a key influencer in any groups that would affect you.
After answering these questions I was able to see more clearly how to handle the conflict and how to approach each of the steps for resolving conflict below.

2) After getting an idea of how important a conflict is then you must approach the resolution. I figure there are 4 steps to going towards a resolution. 1-Own up. If you messed up or don't know how to do something own that, take responsibility for the situation. This would be the first dose of humility. 2-Apologize. If it is necessary to apologize do it! In most cases you can at least apologize that there was conflict to some degree. This must be coated in true humility. 3-Ask for help. Asking the person for helping in finding a solution for the conflict will give them the opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns. 4-Pray about it and change. In reality the entire conflict needs to be doused in prayer (and humility). After praying about the various solutions that you and the other person involved has come up with make changes, otherwise it will just happen again.
Other random thoughts that I have had from the things that pertain to conflict in my life are:
- Be Humble!
- Pray and Fast
- Confront the person as soon as possible
- Talk to the first face to face as much as possible
- Keep in mind Eph. 6 which says that "our battle is not against flesh and blood" but really it is spiritual warfare. So take up your armour and pray hard.


  1. Glory Halelujah the site finally let me comment on your blog...

  2. It's going better than it was. I'm hoping to speed up the process though now that I'm not working crazy hours.
