Sunday, February 22, 2009

Kick 'em in the Face!!

The month has been road trip through the mountains and hills of struggles in my personal life and around the curves of the evolving relationships in my family life, there has even been a few hitch hikers picked up and a quite a few flat tires changed. Some parts of the journey have been great and the ride has been smooth. Other parts of the ride have made me really angry and upset because someone has cut me off or been riding my tail. Then there are the parts that I have cried through because I had to say goodbye to one that I loved so dearly. Then there have been moments that I have felt as if I just missed a life taking wreck by inches.
Through entire trip though I have been completely humbled, (at least I hope, because eating humble pie is not very tasty and gets old really fast).
From one thing to another it would be really easy to become discouraged, and to be completely honest I have fallen into the discouragement trap and have become entangled in complaining. But every now and then, especially after talking with my good friend tonight I find that yes, I am discouraged, but I know who it is that is discouraging me and I want to KICK HIM IN THE FACE...repeatedly.
I suppose the best part is that I know One who will kick him in the face repeated, thus I will be victorious through Him.

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