Saturday, February 28, 2009


So many times I have heard people say either directly or indirectly that they want to be a rebel. Sometimes they don't even have to say it because I can tell by the way that they act that they want to be a rebel; these are typically the people who do exactly the opposite of what it asked and look you in the eye and smile while doing it. I don't completely understand this, yet.

Recently, I was talking with a teenager (for some reason I think that people who are in junior high, high school and college seem to want to rebel against something the most) and the statement came out of her mouth that she doesn't do her homework or listen to her parents simply because she doesn't want to do what they want, she wants to do what she wants. I am pretty sure that she only wants to do things her parents don't want her to do. She wants to do well in school, but it is as if since her parents want that also, she suddenly doesn't. I don't get it. I think it is partially a result of our tolerance society that allows us to hold onto many conflicting beliefs. But I think there is more to it than that.

I am beginning to think that the idea of independence/being an unique individual has gone too far. Everyone wants to be their own person and never wants to conform. . . to anything. The problem is that in trying to find our own individuality we end up trying to become someone else that already exists. For instance, in the process of becoming an unique individual this girl who has decided to rebel against her parents has become just like her friends. I wonder what is next, will she rebel against her friends and then become like her siblings? Its all rather cyclical.
So now what? We have a problem: we rebel against someone in order to be our own person but in the process we become someone else that surrounds us. So what is the solution?

Webster defines rebellion as:
"1: opposition to one in authority or dominance 2 a: open, armed, and usually unsuccessful defiance of or resistance to an established government b: an instance of such defiance or resistance"

What if we were to take rebellion into the spiritual realm and do it in a God honoring way? What I am saying is that maybe we should all rebel against Satan. We should oppose him, defy him and resist him. I think that if we were to do this than we would take on a new identity, that being the identity of Christ. As we take on the identity of Christ, I believe that we would all find our own uniqueness in Him.

My new plan is to rebel against Satan.

Just a thought...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What I've Gleaned

Going through the different things this last month that I have mentioned in the previous blog has for sure taught me somethings, mostly these things are about conflict and conflict resolution (sad to say The Office's "Conflict Resolution" did not really help me learn anything except for go for the win-win-win). There are 2 big ideas that I have learned:
1) Before approaching a resolution for a conflict it is important to figure out the how major the conflict is. This is done by asking 3 questions: 1-Is it going to matter in a year? 2-Is it over about a non-negotiable? 3-Is the person that you are in conflict with a key influencer in any groups that would affect you.
After answering these questions I was able to see more clearly how to handle the conflict and how to approach each of the steps for resolving conflict below.

2) After getting an idea of how important a conflict is then you must approach the resolution. I figure there are 4 steps to going towards a resolution. 1-Own up. If you messed up or don't know how to do something own that, take responsibility for the situation. This would be the first dose of humility. 2-Apologize. If it is necessary to apologize do it! In most cases you can at least apologize that there was conflict to some degree. This must be coated in true humility. 3-Ask for help. Asking the person for helping in finding a solution for the conflict will give them the opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns. 4-Pray about it and change. In reality the entire conflict needs to be doused in prayer (and humility). After praying about the various solutions that you and the other person involved has come up with make changes, otherwise it will just happen again.
Other random thoughts that I have had from the things that pertain to conflict in my life are:
- Be Humble!
- Pray and Fast
- Confront the person as soon as possible
- Talk to the first face to face as much as possible
- Keep in mind Eph. 6 which says that "our battle is not against flesh and blood" but really it is spiritual warfare. So take up your armour and pray hard.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Kick 'em in the Face!!

The month has been road trip through the mountains and hills of struggles in my personal life and around the curves of the evolving relationships in my family life, there has even been a few hitch hikers picked up and a quite a few flat tires changed. Some parts of the journey have been great and the ride has been smooth. Other parts of the ride have made me really angry and upset because someone has cut me off or been riding my tail. Then there are the parts that I have cried through because I had to say goodbye to one that I loved so dearly. Then there have been moments that I have felt as if I just missed a life taking wreck by inches.
Through entire trip though I have been completely humbled, (at least I hope, because eating humble pie is not very tasty and gets old really fast).
From one thing to another it would be really easy to become discouraged, and to be completely honest I have fallen into the discouragement trap and have become entangled in complaining. But every now and then, especially after talking with my good friend tonight I find that yes, I am discouraged, but I know who it is that is discouraging me and I want to KICK HIM IN THE FACE...repeatedly.
I suppose the best part is that I know One who will kick him in the face repeated, thus I will be victorious through Him.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Here it goes

So I have started a blog. I wonder how many other people start their first blog like this... Well, anyways I am not much for being orginal so I just start it out this way. Mostly, I have been thinking through a lot of things lately and since I live alone and many people don't want to have these sort of discussions with me, (mostly they aren't with me when I am thinking about whatever it is that I am thinking of) I figured I would blog about it.
What kind of word is blog anyhow? It kinda sounds fattening.
So anyway here goes something...