Monday, August 2, 2010

Untouchable Joy Not Unreachable

Blessed = untouchable joy

Blessed are the poor in spirit...
Poor in spirit - acknowledging you have a need for God, allowing Him to teach you and depending on Him for everything
Are you desperately in need of God?

Blessed are those who mourn
Mourning...over sin - Grief over sin will result in ceasing to sin, guilt leads to redundancy.
Are you experiencing sorrow/sadness over your sin or over "getting caught"?

Blessed are the gentle
Gentle - like a gentle giant, strong yet tempered, using strength when necessary
Are you using your strengths when necessary or are you flaunting them?

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
*Note: not the already righteous, but those who hunger and thirst for it.
Hunger and thirst are basic instincts, we don't have to think about being hungry or thirsty. When we do become hungry or thirsty we go after something that will satisfy?
Do you long to righteous and then do you go after it?

Blessed are the merciful
Mercy is not a simply a feeling, it is an action. Mercy is not giving people the 'punishment' they deserve.
Do you attempt to punish people for their wrongdoing toward you or someone else?

Blessed are the pure in heart
Pure - being cleansed, a process of becoming pure; we have been declared pure but must still seek to become pure by pursuing righteousness
Do you allow yourself to be tainted or do you seek out righteousness?

Blessed are the peacemakers
Peacemakers create peace through reconciliation. Sometimes life may be shaken up for the sake of reconciling someone, especially when reconciling them to the Creator.
Is reconciliation your goal, even if you have to lose your peace to do so?

Blessed are those who have been persecuted
Someone who undergoes persecution for the sake of righteous and for Christ is loyalty to the extreme...anything for the cause of Christ
Do you do anything for the cause of Christ? Are you that extreme in your loyalty to Him?

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